Functional tests look at the physiological functioning of the body. They investigate imbalances by testing specific markers. There is an array of tests available which analyse breath, stool, urine, blood or saliva samples and they can provide invaluable insights in order to get to the core of a health issue.
Although nutritional therapists do not diagnose conditions the results of functional tests can provide an understanding into nutritional status, hormone imbalances, digestive processes, inflammation levels, pathogens, and stress levels. By testing in this manner, it is possible to increase the knowledge that we have on the state of health and reduce the guess work; providing more details on the reason behind the signs and symptoms that we are presented with.
I have access to a range of laboratories and work in close consultation with clients when looking into testing options in order to make the right choice as testing can be expensive.
If you would like more information about functional testing options please book a free phone chat
If you have test results that you would like analysed against optimal ranges or if you would like me to arrange testing for you I'd be happy to help.
This may include looking over a complete blood count from your GP, reviewing nutrient levels or other markers such as thyroid hormones and antibodies or markers for inflammation.
Examples of home tests I can arrange for you are an advanced thyroid panel, a stand alone vitamin D test, vitamin B12 or iron ferritin.
Markers are tested for to give an insight into how the digestion is functioning and what support might be helpful.
Pathogens, viruses, parasites and bacteria are tested to provides details of the community of helpful or less helpful bugs in digestive tract.
Gut bacteria play a fundamental role in health and disease and gaining an insight into your unique profile will help us to make targeted changes to recreate balance.
Hormonal balance can be tested via blood, urine or saliva depending on the specific test.
These tests can give valuable information on the levels of hormones throughout a month or provide an insight into pre diagnosed hormonal related conditions.
Analysing how your body clears and breaks down hormones when they have played their part has implications not only for hormonal health but for gut health and the liver.
The thyroid is in charge of the speed of metabolism and functioning of the entire body.
A thyroid panel tests not just thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) which is the hormone most often tested but T4 and T3 and thyroid antibodies too. I also suggest looking at nutrients that play a part in thyroid health too, such as iron, B12 and vitamin D for example.
Mood, weight, skin health and energy levels are affected by the thyroid.
Food intolerances are often blamed for many ills. While intolerances can put a strain on the digestion supporting the digestion to deal with a wide variety of foods can also be affective.
For more information on food intolerance testing please get in touch.
Some nutrients are commonly hard to absorb from food, are depleted in our foods or are so actively used in our bodies that we are always at a deficit! Checking nutrient levels can play a key part in understanding health.
Analysis of a hair sample can give an indication of mineral and toxin levels in the rest of the body. Through this information it is possible to gain an insight into systems of the body that may be in need of additional support.